Tuesday, April 28, 2009

You A Psycho?

Are You A Psycho?

Psycho means mentally disorder, person showing abnormal or violent social behaviors.
You mightn’t have such friend but I had. It was the time when I passed grade 7 and started grade 8. All my friends had passed but except one and he was a psycho. No one among us asked him the cause why he failed the exam because we knew about his psychopath (mental disorder). I checked his answer sheet and found almost wild. Like:

These are psycho answer picked from his answer sheet. Now it’s time to judge whether you are psycho or not. So, read the text below.
A woman, at the funeral of her own mother, meets a guy whom she did not know. She thought that guy was amazing, very much of her dream guy. She wanted to know about him. She fell in love with him right there, but never asked for his number and could not find him later. A few days later she killed her younger sister.

Question: What was her motive in killing her sister?
Compulsion: First get your answer in your mind before readings an answer.

Read right to left for answer.
Answer: again funeral the at appear would guy the that hoping was she

If you answered this correctly, you think like a psychopath.
This was a test by a famous American Psychologist used to test if one has the same mentality as a killer.
Many arrested killers took part in the test and answered the question correctly.
If you didn't answer the question correctly, good for you else you are a Psycho.

Rubin Manandhar

नेपालमा अनलाइन मेडियाको अवस्था

नेपालमा अनलाइन मेडियाको अवस्था

मनसिहरु एक अर्कासगँ सम्पर्क गर्न वा सुचना आदान प्रदान गर्न बिभिन्न साचार माध्यमको प्रयोग गर्छन् जस्तै रेडियो टेलिभिजन पत्र-पत्रिका सिनेमा हल आदि कुराको इस्तेमाल गर्छन । तर टि.भि. र रेडियोबाट दिइएको सुचनालाई हामीले दोहोर् याएर हेर्न वा सुन्न मिल्दैन । त्यसैगरि पत्र-पत्रिकामा बितेको समयको सुचना खोज्ने हो भने हामीलाई निकै समय लाग्छ । हरेक समयको सामाधान हुन्छ भने जस्तै समस्याको पनि समाधान भएको छ र त्यो हो "इन्तरनेट"। बिभन्न साचार माध्यमबाट उपभोग गर्न मिल्ने सुचनाहरु हामीले इन्तरनेट माफर्त पनि पाउन सक्छौं जसलाई हामी 'अनलाइन मेडिया' भन्छौ । अनलाइन मेडिया अहिले संसारकै सबैभन्दा सस्तो र सजिलो साचार माध्यम बनेको छ । नेपालको कुरा गर्नु पर्दा नेपालमा अझ पनि धेरै मानिसहरुले कम्प्यूटर चलाउन पाएका छैनन् । तिनीहरुलाई अनलाइन मेडिया एउटा सपनाको रुपमा रहेको छ । "इनटरनेट एन्ड नेपाली मेडिया २०६०" नामक किताब अनुसार नेपालमा सबैभन्दा पहिलो अन्लाइन मेडिया २०४९ सालमा सचालन भयो जुन वेबसाइटको नाम “www.thenepaldigest.com” थियो । यस वेबसाइटको साचालन अमेरीकीहरुले गरेका थिए र यसको उद्देश्य समाचार प्रकाशित गर्नु र नेपालीहरुको जीबनबारे लेख्नु हो । त्यपछि २०५२ सालमा काठमाण्डौं पोष्ट पत्र www.southasia.com माफर्त प्रकाशित भयो जसले गर्दा काठमाण्डौं पोष्ट पत्र नेपालको पहिलो निउज पोर्टलको रुपमा ठहरियो । त्यस पछि २०५६ सालमा नेपाल निउजले पहिलो पटक http://www.nepalnews.com/ खोले जुन वेबसाइतको साचालन गर्ने नेपालीहरु नै थिए र त्यसको कुनै पत्र वा पत्रिका बजारमा पाइदैन । नेपाल निउज वेबसाइटका बिशेषताहरुले गर्दा यो वेबसाइट निकै प्रचलित भएको थियो । यस वेबसाइटमा रहेका कुराहरु जस्तै निउज बुलेटिन बि. बि. सि., नेपाली मौसम जानकारी, च्याट, नेपाली टेलीभिजनको कार्यक्रमहरु र गोरखापत्र, कान्तिपुर, कामना प्रकाशनको बिज्ञान आदि । नेपालकने केही प्रचलीत समाचार दिने वेबसाइतहरुको नाम लिनुपर्दा जस्तै kantipuronline.com, thehimalayantimes.com, nepalnews.com, newsofnepal.com, nepalipost.com आदि । nepalnet.net अनुसार kantipuronline.com अहिलेको सबैभन्दा राम्रो निउज पोर्टलको रुपमा रहेको छ र cybersansar.com नेपाली वेबसाइतहरु मध्य सबैभन्दा मनोराजनात्मक रहेको छ । त्यसैगरि हामी एफ. एम. रेडियोपनि वेबसाइटहरु जस्तै radionepal.org, radiosagarmatha.org, kantipuronline.com, hitsfm.com.np, imagechannel.com, nepalnews.com, hbc.com.np, classicfm.com.np आदि । यस वेबसाइटहरु माफर्त हामीले बिभिन्न समाचार कुराकानी गितसङ्गित सुन्न सक्छौं । बिभिन्न कार्यक्रमहरु जस्तै घटना र बिचार परिबेस अखबार आजका कुरा नेपाली खबर आदि दिन दिनै प्रसारण हुने गर्दछ । त्सैगरि हाम टि. भि. मा देखाइने कार्यक्रमहरु पनि वेबसाइटमा हेर्न सक्छौं । नेपाली टेलीभिजन माफर्त प्रसारण हुने कार्यक्रमहरु जस्तै अङ्ग्रेजी समाचार नेपाली समाचार दिशानिर्देश लोक दोहोरी मत् अभिमत् आदि हामी http://www.nepalnews.com/ बाट पनि हेर्न र सुन्न सक्छौं Nepal 1 को केही कार्यक्रमहरु हामीले Nepal1tv.com माफत हेर्न सक्छौं भने Kantipur television को kantipuonline.com माफत हेर्न सक्छौं । यसता वेबसाइटहरु धेरै छन् जुनबाट हामी दिन-दिनै वा हप्तै पिछे नया भिडियो क्लीपस्हरु हेर्न सक्छौं । यसता वेबसाइटहरु मध्य केहीले प्रगति गर्दै आएका छन् भने कुनै रोकिएका पन छन् । नेपाली अनलाइन मेडियाको वेबसाइटहरु नेपाली भाषामा, अङ्ग्रेजी र दुबै भाषामा पनि हामीले पाउन सक्छौं । नेपालमा अहिले अनलाइन मेडियाको आवश्यकता बर्दै आएको छ तर बिद्मुत को सुबिधा कम भएको हुनाले अनलाइन मेडियालाइ सक्दो सुबिधा दिन सकेको छैन ।
रुबिन मानन्धर

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Hats off to Government
We are now in the 21st century and we all are aware of the homosexuals. Though we know them from the outer periphery, the reality behind is still unseen and unheard. A man who is sexually attracted to and falls in love with other man is Gay. Their sexual feelings towards men are normal and natural. These feelings emerge when they are teens, and the feelings continue throughout their life. Some gays may also be attracted to women but their attraction to men is stronger. Lesbians are women who are attracted to other women. Some experts estimate that about 1 in 10 people in the world may be gay or lesbian.
During evening time at Ratna Park, there are gays who are looking for gay visitors. They are between 20-35 years, smart looking in their sophisticated wears. Once you agree to go with them they fake you of being a police (some of them have connections with police) in hopes of blackmailing you. They try to take you towards police station but they never take you inside. They take your valuables including money, watch and clothes. It is because there are no places for gays or lesbians in Nepal yet, they are not employed in offices, schools or any other organizations. Only some of the nightclubs (Babylon, Dynasty, Jump, Fire Club, and Oriental 24 hours Restaurant etc.) allow them where they go and hang out. Some of them are even sex workers. This proves that it's very hard to sustain life in a conservative society like Nepal. Even though Nepal's Supreme Court has given the right to same sex marriages, it has become hard for gays and lesbians to adjust in the society.
Nowadays, government is helping Nepal’s tourism and service industry to establish number of restaurants, discos and hotels in the country that provide good service to gay and lesbian couples. In this case, foreign gays and lesbians do not have to suffer any problems of sex identity while traveling in Nepal. With travel package for foreign gays and lesbians, local gays and lesbians can get employment opportunity in the tourism sector. This is an easiest idea for government to stop problems regarding sex identity. This approach not only helps foreign gays and lesbians to adjust in the society but also helps Nepalese homosexuals to stand on their own and make their own identity. Government is planning in this regard to make their life more flexible. Hats off to the government for the exemplary task.
Rubin Manandhar